Results for 'Dorota Urszula Sobieska'

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  1.  62
    Analyzing Outcomes of Intrauterine Insemination Treatment by Application of Cluster Analysis or Kohonen Neural Networks.Anna Justyna Milewska, Dorota Jankowska, Urszula Cwalina, Teresa Więsak, Dorota Citko, Allen Morgan & Robert Milewski - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 35 (1):7-25.
    Intrauterine insemination is one of many treatments provided to infertility patients. Many factors such as, but not limited to, quality of semen, the age of a woman, and reproductive hormone levels contribute to infertility. Therefore, the aim of our study is to establish a statistical probability concerning the prediction of which groups of patients have a very good or poor prognosis for pregnancy after IUI insemination. For that purpose, we compare the results of two analyses: Cluster Analysis and Kohonen Neural (...)
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    “I Made This Munch”: Mieke Bal Talks to Dorota Filipczak about the Exhibition Emma & Edvard: Love in the Time of Loneliness, opened in Munchmuseet, Oslo.Dorota Filipczak - 2017 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 7:11-24.
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    Heterotopia as an Environmental and Political Concept: The Case of Hannah Arendt's Philosophy.Urszula Lisowska - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (3):345-363.
    The paper offers a new model of politics adequate for the Anthropocene epoch. It uses the concept of ‘heterotopia’ to argue for the environmental potential of Arendtian political philosophy. The adopted meaning of heterotopia combines its Foucauldian (as interpreted by L. De Cauter and M. Dehaene) and medical sources. It is argued that, thus understood, the concept can be applied to the Arendtian idea of judgment. In this capacity, the concept of heterotopia is both politically foundational and environmentally relevant. It (...)
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    : The Grounds of Political Legitimacy.Dorota Mokrosinska - 2024 - Ethics 135 (1):206-212.
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    Rethinking Political Obligation: Moral Principles, Communal Ties, Citizenship.Dorota Mokrosinska - 2012 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Why obey the state? Dorota Mokrosińska presents a fresh analysis of the most influential theories of political obligation and develops a novel approach to this foundational problem of political philosophy, an intriguing combination of the elements of natural duty and associative theories. The theory of political obligation developed in the book extends the scope of the contemporary debate on political obligation by arguing that political obligation can be binding even under the jurisdiction of unjust states. The arguments pursued in (...)
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    Privacy and Autonomy: On Some Misconceptions Concerning the Political Dimensions of Privacy.Dorota Mokrosinska - 2018 - Law and Philosophy 37 (2):117-143.
    One of the most influential views in privacy scholarship is that privacy protects individual autonomy. On the early liberal view, the exercise of autonomy requires detachment from social and political life and privacy facilitates it. This view of privacy still informs current legal and political practice. As this view of privacy presupposes a tension between privacy and society, it is responsible for the underrating of privacy in legal and political practice. Over the last decades, liberal reflection on autonomy has shifted (...)
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  7. The Associative Character of Political Obligation.Dorota Mokrosinska - 2010 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 72 (4):717-747.
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  8.  45
    Frequency and burden with ethical conflicts and burnout in nurses.Dorota Wlodarczyk & Magdalena Lazarewicz - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (6):847-861.
    Many studies examine a stressors-professional burnout (PB) relation, but only few consider the role of ethical conflicts (ECs) in this context. The aim of this study was to characterize ECs' frequency and level of burden with them among nurses and to establish the relations between ECs' frequency, burden and PB. One hundred nurses participated in this study. ECs' frequency and burden were tested with an originally developed questionnaire. PB was examined with Maslach Burnout Inventory. Most frequent ECs concerned a nurse-patient (...)
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    The method of Socratic proofs for normal modal propositional logics.Dorota Leszczyńska - 2007 - Poznań: Wydawn. Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
  10. Internet a demokracja.Dorota Bazuń - 2002 - Colloquia Communia 73 (2):351-366.
  11.  10
    Palma Dewory Moszego Kordowera jako egzemplifikacja żydowskiej kabalistycznej doktryny etycznej pod postacią imitatio dei.Dorota Brylla - 2011 - Etyka 44:148-168.
    Palma Dewory Moszego Kordowera jako egzemplifikacja żydowskiej kabalistycznej doktryny etycznej pod postacią imitatio dei Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie żydowskich kabalistycznych dyrektyw etycznych,, sformułowanych w Palmie Dewory autorstwa żydowskiego mistyka kabalisty Moszego Kordowera. Czyni to w oparciu o fundamentalną ideę mistyki judaizmu – kategorię dziesięciu sefirot, które w tutejszym systemie etycznym zostały, każda z osobna, skorelowane z pożądanymi i zalecanymi ludzkimi sposobami postępowania, zachowania się wobec bliźniego. Rezultatem zalecenia wehalachta bederachaw, tj. idei naśladowania Boga – wyrażającej się tu w regule naśladowania sefirot, (...)
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  12. From Humanitarian Intervention (HI) to Responsibility to Protect (R2P).Dorota Gierycz - 2010 - Criminal Justice Ethics 29 (2):110-128.
    The concept of the responsibility to protect has generated considerable controversy since its formulation in the 2001 Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereig...
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  13. Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec (25 V 1921-8 V 2008). Filozof w białym habicie - w powołaniu do służby Mądrości.Urszula M. Żegleń - 2008 - Ruch Filozoficzny 65 (3).
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  14.  28
    Perceptual Identification - Representational or Not?Urszula Żegleń - 2008 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):117-136.
    The paper is focused on the problem of identification in perception. I attempt to inquire on what ground the cognitive system is able to identify an object of perception (I restrict my analysis to visual perception). Although this is an empirical question for cognitive science, I consider it using a philosophical method of analysis. But my considerations in great part are heuristic, I ask questions and rather search for the answers than give a ready solution. The questions I ask arise (...)
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  15. Canguilhem, czyli gdzie zaczyna się normalne.Dorota Janaszczyk - 2000 - Principia.
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    Eroticism—Politics—Identity: The Case of Richard III.Urszula Kizelbach - 2013 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 3 (3):88-101.
    Richard III’s courtship of Lady Anne in William Shakespeare’s King Richard III is a blend of courtly speech and sexual extravaganza. His sexual energy and power of seduction were invented by Shakespeare to enhance the theatrical effect of this figure and, at the same time, to present Richard as a tragic character. Richard’s eroticism in Act 1 Scene 2 makes him a complicated individual. Playing a seducer is one of the guises he uses to achieve his political aims on the (...)
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  17.  17
    John Dewey: A Culinary Perspective.Dorota Koczanowicz - 2016 - Pragmatism Today 7 (2):88-94.
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    Specyfika twierdzeń nauk praktycznych. Przegląd istniejących koncepcji [w jęz.ros.].Dorota Kozówna - 1983 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 3:101-116.
    Artykuł zajmuje się problemem struktury i specyfiki twierdzeń dyscyplin praktycznych wyodrębnionych obok teoretycznych w naukach empirycznych. Wymieniony problem, jak i kwestia dychotomicznego podziału nauk empirycznych, jest ciągle powodem licznych kontrowersji. Aktualnie rozpowszechniona jest, różna od pozytywistycznej, koncepcja prawa empirycznego jako zdania ściśle ogólnego, gwarantującego prawdziwość odpowiednich warunkowych zdań kontrfaktycznych. W poglądach metodologów i badaczy, uprawiających refleksję metodologiczną, zarysowały się dwa główne stanowiska o dyrektywalnej i niedyrektywelnej - opisowej strukturze twierdzeń nauk praktycznych. W ramach pierwszego stanowiska decydujący wpływ na poglądy wielu (...)
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  19.  59
    José Ortegi y Gasseta analiza problemu optymizmu u Gottfrieda Wilhelma Leibniza.Dorota Leszczyna - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (17):175-182.
    LEIBNIZ’S CONCEPT OF OPTIMISM IN THE INTERPRETATION OF JOSE ORTEGA Y GASSET The article aims to analyze the problem of Leibniz’s optimism in the interpretation of José Ortega y Gasset. His reflections on the philosophy of Leibniz are certainly characterized by originality and innovation. Ortega is trying to set Leibniz in modern times and show the influence of his intellectual ideas on the twentieth-century philosophy. For this purpose, the Spanish thinker evokes the most popular of Leibniz’s doctrines—the doctrine of optimism. (...)
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  20. O cnocie i emocjach [Jacek Jaśtal, Natura cnoty. Problematyka emocji w neoarystotelesowskiej etyce cnót].Urszula Lisowska - 2011 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:201-204.
  21.  9
    On Speech as the Political Faculty in the Anthropocene. The Sensualities of Voice and Taste Combined.Urszula Lisowska - 2022 - Analiza I Egzystencja 58:17-33.
    The paper revises the idea of speech as a fundamental political faculty in response to the challenges of the Anthropocene. First, it is argued that, rather than as a subsystem of language, speech should be conceptualised as the expression of the embodied capacity of voice (in this respect, the paper follows Adriana Cavarero’s [2005] argument). Secondly, vocality is linked to the faculty of taste (understood as in Arendt’s reading of Kant) to locate politics in the broader order of materiality (physis).
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  22.  26
    Multi-Regional Adaptation in Human Auditory Association Cortex.Urszula Malinowska, Nathan E. Crone, Frederick A. Lenz, Mackenzie Cervenka & Dana Boatman-Reich - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  23.  18
    Tajna polityka – próba uzasadnienia.Dorota Mokrosińska - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 20:141-160.
    The author raises the question of whether secret uses of power by democratic states can form a legitimate exercise of democratic authority. On the face of it, the answer seems negative. First, it is commonplace to think that in a democracy, political decisions are legitimate only if they are authorized by citizens. From this perspective, secret uses of power seem to lack democratic authority because, one argues, people cannot authorize what they are denied knowledge about. Second, the exercise of democratic (...)
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  24. Gombrowicz w nowej Formie?Dorota Plat - 2000 - Principia.
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  25. A Conflict Regarding Animal Rights.Dorota Probucka - 2019 - In Contemporary moral dilemmas. Berlin: Peter Lang.
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  26. Prymat tworzenia nad poznaniem w teoriach symbolizmu rosyjskiego i twórczości Bolesława Leśmiana.Anna Sobieska - 2003 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 22:254.
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    Pragmatyzm w dydaktyce polonistycznej.Dorota Spychała - 2002 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 5:297-305.
    The aim of this article is to focus on pragmatic teaching in a modern school. Getting knowledge should always be connected with improving certain skills (linguistic, analytic, critical etc.). Firstly, in this work the methods of teaching and forms of statement of pragmatic aims were shown. It is pointed out what kind of skills students acquire when particular methods of leaching are used (e.g. discussions, methods of plan, dramas, press conferences, or projects) and how teaching various forms of expressing ideas (...)
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    The concept of quality in clinical research.Dorota Śwituła - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (1):147-156.
    Quality in clinical research may be defined as compliance with requirements together with credibility and reliability of the data obtained. Sponsors usually apply Quality Management Systems (QMS) to ensure, control, maintain, and improve quality. These systems encompass several preventive measures, tools, and controls. Standard QMS applied by clinical research sponsors may be based on ISO 9000.
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    Katarzyna Kremplewska: George Santayana’s Political Hermeneutics.Dorota Zygmuntowicz - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (1):183-190.
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    Exploring the Creative Process: Integrating Psychometric and Eye-Tracking Approaches.Dorota M. Jankowska, Marta Czerwonka, Izabela Lebuda & Maciej Karwowski - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:399258.
    This exploratory study aims at integrating the psychometric approach to studying creativity with an eye-tracking methodology and thinking-aloud protocols to potentially untangle the nuances of the creative process. Wearing eye-tracking glasses, one hundred adults solved a drawing creativity test – The Test of Creative Thinking-Drawing Production (TCT-DP) – and provided spontaneous comments during this process. Indices of visual activity collected during the eye-tracking phase explained a substantial amount of variance in psychometric scores obtained in the test. More importantly, however, clear (...)
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  31. Dziedzictwo śmierci — Ricoeur i Derrida.Urszula Idziak - 2011 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 1 (2):291-300.
    English title: Ricoeur and Derrida — the Heritage of Death. In this article the author juxtaposes two different attempts of defending life against Heidegger’s horizon of death (Sein zum Tode) (the survie (survival) of Jacques Derrida and the “Living up to Death” of Paul Ricoeur). Their false proximity introduces a new insight into the discussion about the paradoxical positiveness of deconstruction. Ricoeur’s concept of life makes impossible the understanding of deconstruction as faithfulness to the other not in his identity, but (...)
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  32.  4
    Towards Non-Appropriative Relating.Urszula Lisowska - 2024 - Environmental Ethics 46 (4):437-451.
    The paper brings together Steven Vogel’s concept of the environment and the category of the world in Hannah Arendt’s and Malcom Ferdinand’s interpretations. First, the similarities between the concepts are shown: they both refer to the networks of things and relationships and, as such, emphasize the political dimension of ecological concerns. Second, it is argued Vogel’s discursive model of politics can be enriched with the aid of the model of non-appropriative relating implied by the concept of the world. Two amendments (...)
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  33.  23
    Nicolai Hartmann and José Ortega y Gasset: An overview of an intellectual relationship based on the correspondence of two philosophers from 1907–1912.Dorota Leszczyna - 2023 - Diametros 19 (75):1-16.
    This article is of both a historical and philosophical nature. It aims to present the intellectual relationship between the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset and one of the most influential German thinkers of the first half of the twentieth century, Nicolai Hartmann. It is based on hitherto unknown and unpublished correspondence that the philosophers conducted intermittently between 1907 and 1912. The correspondence was found in the archives of the José Ortega y Gasset – Gregorio Marañón Foundation in Madrid along (...)
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  34.  20
    O trudnościach w precyzowaniu pojęć pedagogiki.Dorota Horbaczewska - 1993 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 9:23-31.
    Język nauk pedagogicznych wielokrotnie poddawany był krytyce. Jego porządkowanie należy rozpocząć od sprecyzowania pojęć: „wychowanie”, „kształcenie” i „nauczanie”, uważanych za podstawowe pojęcia pedagogiczne, a dotąd nieokreślone w sposób zyskujący aprobatę przynajmniej większości pedagogów. Większość kontrowersji i sporów dotyczy przede wszystkim treści i zakresu pojęcia „wychowanie ". Różnorodność ujęć i sposobów użycia tego terminu powoduje trudności w porozumiewaniu się, wieloznaczność i chaos w dyskusjach i rozważaniach pedagogicznych. Analiza literatury ze zwróceniem szczególnej uwagi na definicje omawianego pojęcia i codzienna praktyka pedagogiczna pozwoliły (...)
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  35.  25
    Post-Truth from the Perspective of Hannah Arendtʼs Political Theory.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2019 - Filozofia 74 (3).
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    Transgresywne monstrum.Dorota Bastek & Martyna Fołta (eds.) - 2013 - Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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  37. O aborcji w perspektywie etyki szacunku dla życia. Polemika ze stanowiskiem Mary Anne Warren.Dorota Brylla - 2013 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 14:29-40.
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  38. Debata o demokracji [Ian Shapiro, Stan teorii demokracji, tłum. Izabela Kisilowska, Warszawa 2006].Dorota Drałus - 2007 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:230-231.
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  39. Projekt egalitarnego liberalizmu [P. Kelly, Liberalizm, tłum. S. Królak, Wydawnictwo Sic!, Warszawa 2007, ss. 222].Dorota Drałus - 2009 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:154-161.
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    From Hip Hop to Homer: Practicing Translation in Central Los Angeles.Dorota Dutsch - 2010 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 103 (2):246-250.
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  41. Analiza semantyczna relacji występujących w ontologii Romana Ingardena.Urszula Żegleń - 1983 - Studia Semiotyczne 13:35-47.
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  42.  9
    Co stanowi o specyfice i unikatowości ludzkiego systemu poznawczego? Czy odpowiedź Romana Ingardena da się obronić w świetle dzisiejszych tendencji naturalistycznych?Urszula Żegleń - 2020 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:263-281.
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    Komunikaty Komitetu Naukoznawstwa.Urszula M. Żegleń - 2020 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 55 (1(219)):113.
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  44. Problematyka ontologiczna logik nieklasycznych.Urszula Żegleń - 1990 - Studia Semiotyczne 16:217-249.
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  45. System poznawczy jako system reprezentacyjny.Urszula Żegleń - 2005 - Filozofia Nauki 4.
    The main thesis of the paper is very simple, namely that the cognitive system is a representational system. The cognitive system will be defined as a system which is able to realize cognitive functions such as perception, symbolic thinking, understanding and reflection. Such a system is further characterized as: cognitively open and at the same time relatively isolated, representational, structurally complex and many-dimensional, dynamic and having functional plasticity (cognitively adaptive) and also having the capacity for self-determination. The analysis will be (...)
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  46. Książka jako dzieło sztuki.Dorota Kamisińska - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 12 (12):73-86.
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  47. José Ortega y Gasset – prorok brzasku / José Ortega y Gasset -- Prophet of the Dawn.Dorota Leszczyna - 2008 - Diametros 16:101-104.
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    Zegary Nie Zgadzajña Siñe Z Sobña" Sp 'or o Czas W Muzyce Drugiej Po±Owy Xx Wieku.Dorota Maciejewicz - 2000 - Warszawa: Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
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    Jana Pawła II apel o etyczny wymiar globalizacji.Urszula Michalak - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (1):135-142.
    In the teaching of John Paul II’s the need of solidarity globalization is particularly stressed out as well as that of humanization of globalization processes. With the aim of doing it, one should be guided by unchanging social values: the truth, freedom, justice, solidarity, subsidiarity, love. The globalization has two faces: ▪ the benefits which it brings to the world, individual countries and its main beneficiaries, that is international corporations. ▪ negative effects which the developing countries and all people of (...)
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  50. Anatomical Evidence From Statistical Voxel-Based Lesion Analysis.Urszula Mihulowicz, Klaus Willmes, Hans-Otto Karnath & Elise Klein - 2016 - In Philippe Chassy & Wolfgang Grodd (eds.), Abstract mathematical cognition. [Lausanne, Switzerland]: Frontiers Media SA.
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